Saturday 26 March 2011

MS Wars Update, 26th of March, Mekton Super Wars

Not a Mecha from from MS Wars or one I
Welcome to another MS Wars Update. As you might have noticed, I had changed the last two Units post due to the fact that I forgot that there were several more Infantry Units to post and most of the new stuff I were new to the database. So I had to cut them back down to one unit post a time instead of two. For now the rule are finished, will until I do more testing to find things to change or add new rule. I will be testing after the next five units are done. My original plan for the test was to do all units for the three key races (Human, Elf and Dwarf) in the three main tech groups (Mecha, Infantry and Ground Vehicle) up to tech level two. However, I decided to change that to all Human, Elf Infantry and Mecha and Dwarf Infantry. I plan on doing updates every four days instead of every five and then do the next update post when they are all done.

On other MS Wars news I am currently trying to decided to ever run for role-play a MS Wars game based during before the fall of the Mobius Empire or a Code Geass game based on Britannian troops in the EU. With both I have been talked into using Mekton Zeta rules. Code Geass is currently winning. However, I have never played Mekton before, so I am wanting to play a game of it be for running a game. Oh and I am somewhat dumping the race Gargoyles, in fact they are being merged with the Dragonits.

Well that is all I have for this update. Here is a rough time table of MS Wars posts until and including the next update post.

30th March: Units: Let unnamed human command jeep (should have been 31st)
4th April: Units: Human Bikers (should have been 5th)
9th 10th April: Units: Hattori, Standard Type
14th 15th April: Units Update: Amago, Scout Type
19th 20th April: Units: Let unnamed human light tank
24th 25th April: Units: Let unnamed human armoured carrier
29th 30th Apirl: MS Wars Update

Until next have fun. Updated on the 07th of April

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